The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder, Usui Mikao
Who is Dani Marie?
An Intuitive Healer
In response to spiritual epiphanies and momentous events throughout her life, Dani Marie has learned to recognize and listen to her intuition for guidance and healing. From a young age, she has utilized various types of therapies and healing practices to manage life’s many challenges and hardships. It was shared with Dani Marie, during a spiritual healing session, that her life path is to heal others and send messages of guidance to those open to receive them. Since that profound experience, she has studied USUI Tibetan Reiki and continues to expand her spiritual intuitive abilities.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a gentle healing practice that promotes balance and wellness in one’s body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Reiki began as a spiritual practice to improve and maintain health; to cultivate peace of mind, and to enhance our vitality and overall well-being. Reiki harmonizes and balances our energy system by healing on the level of most imbalance (mind, body and spirit). Reiki flows according to need and moves one’s well-being into balance in a way that is most consistent with our highest healing good at that given moment in time. The way the energy works is to bring the best result and highest outcome possible.
Rei (ray) – Divinely Guided, Spiritual Wisdom, Sacred, Divine, Holy, Blessing, Miraculous, Wondrous Power
Ki (kee) – Life Force Energy, Breath, Air, Spirit, Atmosphere, Vital Energy, Primordial Energy
Cho Ku Rei
Power Symbol
“Placing all the powers
of the Universe here”
The Cho Ku Rei symbol is the most commonly used Reiki symbol. It represents power, protection, and the amplification of energy. When used, it enhances the flow of Reiki and can be applied to specific areas of the body or used to clear energy in a room or space.
Harmony Symbol
“The Earth
and Sky meet”
The Sei He Ki symbol is associated with mental and emotional healing. It helps to release and heal deep-seated emotional patterns, traumas, and addictions. It is particularly effective in promoting balance and harmony with the mind and emotions.
Distance Symbol
“Having no present,
past or future”
The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol transcends time and space, allowing Reiki energy to be sent across distances. It facilitates distant healing, enabling practitioners to channel Reiki to people, situations, or events in the past, present, or future. It is a powerful symbol for healing past traumas or sending healing energy to loved ones far away.
Master Symbol
“Great Enlightenment”
The Dai Ko Myo symbol represents enlightenment and spiritual transformation. This symbol embodies the highest level of Reiki energy and represents the connection to the divine and the realization of one’s true potential.
Completion Symbol
“I am One with
the Source of
all healing”
The Raku symbol, also know as the Grounding Symbol, helps the receiver flow their energy in the full sequence from their Crown to their Root as a means of stabilizing and grounding them. The Raku symbol also helps bring completion to the Reiki session by drawing a line to separate the giver’s energy from the receiver’s energy.
What are Chakras?
In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain nerve bundles and major organs.
To function at their best, your chakras need to stay open, or balanced. If they get blocked, you may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.
There are seven main chakras that run along your spine. They start at the root, or base, of your spine and extend to the crown of your head. The seven chakras all have their own unique meaning. The goal is to balance each of them through the chosen healing modality, leading to overall enhanced health and alignment.
Having knowledge of the chakras system can be helpful for one’s mental health. Rather than using each chakra as a basis for literal diagnosis, you can explore the meaning of each chakra and the ailments that present when it is unbalanced. This may support you in finding language for what you’re experiencing.
Survival, Safety, Security,
Grounding, Life Force
Our root chakra is what connects us to Earth, keeping us grounded. Its role is to give us the basics we need to survive, so when it is balanced we feel secure in all aspects of life including financial and emotional situations. Spending time in nature is a really great way to balance your root chakra.
Sexuality, Relationships, Joy,
Pleasure, Emotions, Creativity
The sacral chakra is our home of pleasurable activities, the creative life force that allows us to enjoy being. It is a common mistake to assume that the sacral chakra just relates to sex and relationships and although it does, that’s not all it is about. It is more to do with doing the things that make you happy.
Solar Plexus
Self-Esteem, Power, Ego,
Strength, Transformation
We are all about personal power up in the Manipura chakra. This is where we create our self-confidence, authenticity and identity. When we say “I just have a ‘gut’ feeling about this” in a situation, it all relates back to our solar plexus and knowing what feels right for us. When we are balanced in this chakra, we are connected to our own wisdom and personal truth.
Love, Empathy, Kindness,
Compassion, Gratitude, Faith
Rather obviously, the Anahata chakra is all about love. Feeling loved, knowing we are worthy of love and sending love our there into the world. Compassion and kindness towards yourself and others is key and when you are balanced, you will be able to accept and receive love equally, even in tricky situations.
Communication, Expression,
Authenticity, Purification
Vishudda is all about communication and doing it with love, kindness and honesty. Knowing which words to use in certain situations is a sign of a balanced throat chakra, but as with all of the chakras, it can easily be put out of balance. Something you can do to help this, is to always think before you speak. Take a moment to assess the situation and ask yourself if what you are about to say is kind and necessary. Remember to always speak your truth!
Third Eye
Intuition, Imagination,
Astral Projection
Our third eye chakra is where we find our wisdom, our intuition and our psychic energy. A lot of us can easily be disconnected from our Anja chakra, as we tend to not pick up on spiritual experiences, closing our mind to energetic possibilities in this modern world. It is also linked to imagination.
Consciousness, Unity,
Spirituality, Oneness
Your crown chakra is the places where everything comes together in unity, connecting both your inner world with the entire universe around you – it is like a universal energy, where everything is one. To energize the crown chakra, you need to work through the lower six chakras first and once they are aligned, you will be able to open up to this connection.